Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Honest Moment

When I returned to Set List in March of this year, I was excited and nervous - excited to be back in my virtual home and nervous to see how long my rapid pace would last.

My excitement is no longer hyper in nature, but now just happy to be back on Set List. 

My pace is no longer rapid and in recent months, I have needed to take a break.

My approach to Set List is simple.  Music always comes first, but I occasionally tend toward a personal tone.

I am struggling to write unique posts, especially on a daily basis.

I rely heavily on music videos to inspire posts and for some reason, this does not seem right for what I promised in May 2010. 
I have turned to fashion as related to music.  This is a sudden change from what I promised in May 2010.

Set List is not the same.

I am not walking away.  I will continue to post. 

I just need some time to calm down and focus.

This is my honest moment.

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