Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Friday, October 12, 2018

Remember When Friday

In this edition of Remember When Friday, I am traveling back in time to the year 1994 - the most significant year in my personal life and the most significant year in what would become iconic pop culture history.

On October 12, 1994, I was wheeled into an operating room at 8:00 a.m. for scoliosis surgery.  I screamed bloody murder for my mom to get me, but she was forced to not look back as she broke down in the waiting room.  Everything happened in a choreographed way - within less than a minute of being in the OR, a flood of techs came rushing in to do whatever they needed to do.  My throat hurt, I was dizzy, I closed my eyes to make the sensations go away, I complained, I was told the feelings were common, I begged for my mom...I was out.  Six hours later, I woke up to massive hallucinations...and then I was out.  All of my memories were formed on my second day as an in-patient.  The pain was miserable in a way I cannot describe, but I rarely used my morphine pump...stubborn bravery I suppose.  I had to lay on my right, my left, and flat on my back every two hours - for the full six days I was in the hospital.  Physical therapy began on my second day - practicing sitting upright and walking.  Sitting upright was exhausting.  My brain was so traumatized from the surgery that I had to learn to walk - my mom and a nurse keeping me upright trying to move up and down a hallway.  My brain was so traumatized from the surgery that I could not go to the bathroom alone - my mom or a nurse helping me get out of bed, walk mere feet to the bathroom, and helping me get up from the toilet and back to bed.  I could easily share every memory from my hospital stay to discharge to recovery at home, but that would go on for some time. 

Take away -
The year 1994 was a life-altering time for me and October 12th is a day I will never forget.

The year 1994 launched a television series that, unknown at the time, would become a profound staple in pop culture history - from the full decade aired to forever syndication.  The television series was Friends.  At the time, the Friends theme song was exceptionally popular.

Now, since this blog is all about music, I thought I would share the official music video featuring the cast and actual musicians behind the theme song.

Happy Friday to all.

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