Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Duran Duran Finale - The Chauffer

"The Chauffer" is the last track on Duran Duran's defining album, Rio.  May 1982 release.

"Rio" is the first track on Rio and the history of Duran Duran goes from there.

Middle tracks on Rio -

2.  My Own Way
3.  Lonely In Your Nightmare
4.  Hungry Like the Wolf
5.  Hold Back the Rain
6.  New Religion
7.  Last Chance On the Stairway
8.  Save a Prayer

In May 2008, I went to my first concert - Duran Duran.  Of the many classics and Red Carpet Massacre songs, "Last Chance On the Stairway" was a surprise performance because I never knew how popular it may have been.

In Live from London, "Save a Prayer" received as profound reception as "Planet Earth" (in other words - really loud reception).

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