Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Duran Duran Finale - Still Breathing

"Still Breathing" is the last track on one of Duran Duran's most notable albums, Astronaut.

The irony between the first track and last track on Astronaut is the tone.  "Reach Up For the Sunrise" is upbeat, catchy, and hopeful in lyrics.  "Still Breathing" is slowed down and somewhat depressing in lyrics.

The greatest take away from Astronaut as an album and the full track list is the profound and deliberate response to...

Where December 7, 1941 was declared a day that will live in infamy, so too will be September 11, 2001.

No one saw either date coming, but did bring the country together in a united front.

Astronaut brought the original lineup together in a united front.

Powerful really

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