Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Holidays 2018 Series - Silent Halls

"Deck the Halls," like "Jingle Bells," is a Christmas classic that appeals to all ages, especially families with young children.  Timeless Christmas songs are always enjoyed while decorating the home and tree.

"Silent Night," on the other hand, is best reserved for Christmas Eve, when families can take one moment of complete silence to realize how lucky they are to be together in peace. 

"Silent Night" is perfect for an evening snowfall - quiet, beautiful, pure.

"Deck the Halls" and "Silent Night" are on the opposite end of the volume spectrum.  "Deck the Halls" is catchy, upbeat, and somewhat loud as a song to sing along to.  "Silent Night" is simply silent and meant just to listen.

And so with this said, enjoy "Deck the Halls" and "Silent Night" as holiday classics.

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