Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Holidays 2018 Series - Winter Frost

Song for the day - "Frosty the Snowman"

The video for "Jingle Bells" defined childhood innocence with colorful and jolly animation. 

The video for "Frosty the Snowman" is reminiscent of childhood memories in the holiday season - holiday break from school, in awe of the beautiful decorations, silent admiration for the snowfall, eager anticipation for Christmas to finally arrive, excitement for presents received, screams of joy when the presents are what was asked for, the forever love of Santa gifts and stocking stuffers.

Winter snow - Snowball fights, building a snowman, sledding.  A fun joy for children and adults.

Winter frost - Bundle up until being just shy of not being able to move.  A task not always looked forward to, but when the temperature dips below freezing and a wind chill is factored in, bundling up is best.

Enjoy the delicious Christmas Eve feast.  The seasonal candy cane must.

Families brought together for Thanksgiving.  Families brought together once more for Christmas.

Family.  Every family has flaws that are always noticed at any other time of the year.  Yet in the holiday season, put everything aside to enjoy the reasons for being a family.

And so on a conclusion note -

"Frosty the Snowman" will forever recall childhood innocence that truly lasts forever.

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