Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Music Pick

In today's edition of Music Pick, I am featuring two songs  - "Driven to Tears" and "What Happens Tomorrow." 

Two generations before me witnessed humanity at its weakest - the Great Depression, World War II, the Holocaust, Nazi Germany.  Two generations before me also witnessed opposite ends - an economic boom and society at its cruelest with violent treatment toward innocent black men, women, and children during the Civil Rights Movement.  Two generations before me saw history that did not entirely make it to classroom textbooks.
One generation before me witnessed pop culture at its finest - rise of iconic musicians in the 1970s and 1980s, the debut of Saturday Night Live with a profound impact I do not think anyone saw coming, a credit card boom despite a recession in the 1980s.  One generation before me witnessed tragedy in the most horrible of ways - the Challenger.  One generation before me saw their version of historic pop culture.
My generation has created a society that is evolving at intense speed - technology especially. 
I cannot speak for generations after me.
My generation, one generation before me, and somewhat two generations before me witnessed a massive blow that forever changed humanity - September 11, 2001.
Music has attempted to bring global society together by emphasizing our errors and trying to repair them together.
"Driven to Tears" emphasized a division between the wealthy and the poor, with devastating impact on the innocent.  "Driven to Tears" addressed societal flaws and, through music, hoped to make positive changes if we simply listened.
"What Happens Tomorrow" took note of pure hell instigated in one unexpected day and, through music, hoped to unite global citizens if we simply listened.
My selections for this edition of Music Pick are "Driven to Tears" and "What Happens Tomorrow."

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