Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Friday, February 1, 2019

Duran Duran Documentary - Astronaut

Astronaut in CD format is first in my Duran Duran collection.

"Reach Up For the Sunrise"

"What Happens Tomorrow"

The Live from London DVD has a bonus documentary option following the concert.  The theme is the original lineup coming together after so many years apart and bringing on the intense excitement fueled by the audience.  The theme also includes the revival of recording and the frustrating process.  Nonetheless, all were hopeful that the original lineup would be back permanently.

I was greatly intrigued by the documentary and even more so when I discovered the Astronaut documentary.  The tone behind the Astronaut documentary was lighthearted and truly hopeful that the original lineup would be back permanently.

The Astronaut documentary can also be found on YouTube -

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