Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Friday, March 29, 2019

Friday Fave

In this edition of Friday Fave, I am featuring Steve Martin - Musical Comedy Part 1 as the most well received post based on my stats.

Musical comedy, in my opinion, is a difficult genre to be defined in because there are specific factors necessary for long term success.  I find musical comedy to be quite difficult to break into as a genre.  Instrumental talent and natural comedic nature are requisite to the genre.

Sarah Jarosz is a natural in the bluegrass and folk genres.  She brings the all-American sound to younger generations who may otherwise pass.

Steve Martin is a natural in the bluegrass genre and, with his banjo, brings the all-American sound to all generations.  Steve Martin is a natural comedian with talent and timing at its finest.  He truly is a one of a kind talent.

In Steve Martin - Musical Comedy Part 1, I focused on "Atheists Don't Have No Songs."

There is just one other iconic musical and comedic act Steve Martin brought to life - King Tut on Saturday Night Live in 1978.

On this note, 
Enjoy and Happy Friday to all!

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