Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Remember when...

...Duran Duran celebrated the 35th anniversary of Rio?

The honor seems so long ago, but the classic album is truly timeless.

I recently came across a unique history of Rio as discussed by Simon Le Bon, Nick Rhodes, John Taylor, and Roger Taylor individually.  An interesting take on the oral history provided by the guys (if you will) is that in the YouTube video (the history source), Simon, Nick, John, and Roger speak behind photos of themselves at the time of making Rio.  One other interesting take on the oral history is that Simon, Nick, John, and Roger spoke mainly about their own roles with each track on the album before coming together as one.

Notice that Andy Taylor was not present in the video...As a lifelong fan, I will never get over his departure.

Rio is a profound album with impressive and lasting impact on the music industry.

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