Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Honor Jimmy Page

Born January 9, 1944

(Source - Wikipedia)

Point of intrigue -
Jimmy Page was a member of The Yardbirds from 1966 to 1968, at which point he went on to establish Led Zeppelin.  

Odd note -
Jimmy Page held strong interest in the occult.  This interest was reflected in the design of Led Zeppelin's cover of their fourth album - four symbols representing each member of the band.  Jimmy owned an occult bookshop and publishing house in the 1970's.

Honors -
No. 2 in Gibson's Top 50 Guitarists of All Time (2010)
Inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice -
- Member of the Yardbirds (1992)
- Member of Led Zeppelin (1995)

Guitarists influenced by Jimmy Page include Eddie Van Halen, Angus Young, Slash, and many more.  Point of interest - Eddie Van Halen, Angus Young, and Slash are also on the Rolling Stone 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time list.

My take away -
There is a common thread among Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, and Jimmy Page - one of the greatest and most influential guitarists.  Jimi Hendrix, as first on the list, paved the way.  There is a second common thread among Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, and Jimmy Page - they were all born in the 1940's.  A devastating common thread is drug addiction and abuse.  Jimmy Page once noted to Guitar World magazine that drugs were "integral" to being in Led Zeppelin (2003).  He further noted to Q Magazine in 2003 that he did not regret his intense drug use because heroin and cocaine (drugs of choice) helped him focus.

In conclusion, Jimmy Page rounds out the top 3 in the 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time.

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