Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Sunday, May 12, 2019

The History of BPI

When I write about music albums, whether debut or established, certification is listed with the UK often mentioned second - after the United States.  The History of RIAA was an interesting topic to research and write about, so I thought I would share the RIAA equivalent from "across the pond."

(Source - Wikipedia)

BPI stands for two titles - British Recorded Music Industry or British Phonographic Industry (the latter more commonly referenced).  Both are trade associations for the British recorded music industry.  BPI was formed in 1973.  In 2007, British Phonographic Industry became the legal title.

British Phonographic Industry.jpg

The BPI mission -
- Promote British music
- Fight copyright infringement

Primary members of BPI include Warner Music UK, Sony Music Entertainment, and Universal Music Group.  Independent music labels and smaller music businesses are included as well.

In 1977, BPI founded the Brit Awards.  Point of interest - In 2013, the BPI presented its first BRIT Icon Award to Sir Elton John.  (Point of further interest - Rocketman - a biopic film based on the legacy of Elton John - is set to be released on May 31st and Elton John is one of the producers.)

In 1989, BPI founded the Brit Trust - a charitable organization giving "young people a chance to express their musical creativity regardless of race, class, sex or ability." (Wikipedia)

(As a side note, refer to Wikipedia for information about the Brit School.)

As for BPI certification...

Albums -
Silver - 60,000 sales
Gold - 100,000 sales
Platinum - 300,000 sales

Singles -
Silver - 200,000 sales
Gold - 400,000 sales
Platinum - 600,000 sales

Music DVD -
(Silver is not applicable)
Gold - 25,000 sales
Platinum - 50,000 sales

In 2018, the BPI introduced Bronze certification based on an artist's first album to achieve 30,000 in sales.

My take away -
As you can tell, certification status is drastically different from the United States' RIAA requirements.  However, as with the RIAA, I feel that BPI certification is as honorable as winning prestigious awards.

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