Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Monday, June 17, 2019

Digital Music News - Best Selling Music Artists Part 2

In Digital Music News - Best Selling Music Artists Part 1, I left off with the Dave Matthews Band at No. 50.  Follow the link as a further refresher.

In Part 2 of Digital Music News - Best Selling Music Artists, I am on the countdown to the No. 1 position.

With that said...

24.  Neil Diamond
23.  Fleetwood Mac
22.  Celine Dion
21.  U2
20.  Van Halen
19.  Whitney Houston
18.  Metallica
17.  Mariah Carey
16.  Madonna
15.  Bruce Springsteen
14.  Aerosmith
13.  The Rolling Stones
12.  Barbra Streisand
11.  George Strait
10.  AC/DC
9.  Pink Floyd
8.  Elton John
7.  Michael Jackson
6.  Billy Joel
5.  Eagles
4.  Led Zeppelin
3.  Elvis Presley
2.  Garth Brooks

1.  The Beatles

Who Are the Best-Selling Artists of All Time?

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