Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Sunday, July 7, 2019

The History of PMB

Pro-Música Brasil logo.png

Pro-Musica Brazil (PMB) is the official representation of Brazilian record labels.  In English translation - Brazilian Association of Record Producers.

The full background can be found on Wikipedia.

The certification process is rather unique in the case of PMB.  CD and DVD awards are split between Brazilian artists and international artists -

Brazilian Certification - CD
Gold - 40,000
Platinum - 80,000
Double Platinum - 160,000
Triple Platinum - 240,000
Diamond - 300,000

International Certification - CD
Gold - 20,000
Platinum - 40,000
Double Platinum - 80,000
Triple Platinum - 120,000
Diamond - 160,000

Brazilian Certification - DVD
Gold - 26,000
Platinum - 50,000
Double Platinum - 100,000
Triple Platinum - 150,000
Diamond - 250,000

International Certification - DVD
Gold - 15,000
Platinum - 30,000
Double Platinum - 60,000
Triple Platinum - 90,000
Diamond - 125,000

(Source - Wikipedia)

My take away -
Where RIAJ may be the eastern version of RIAA, PMB may just be the South American version of the United States.  Certification requisites are quite impressive and therefore an esteemed honor when achieved.

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