Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Thursday, August 1, 2019

One Stop Shop

As the Avon historical motto goes - "Avon calling!".

Set List, as a blog, is entrepreneurial...especially with the introduction of zZounds affiliate marketing.

Avon is a small business worked solely through my eStore.  Promotion for my business is shared offline with business cards and online through - a dedicated blog, social networks, on my recently launched fashion blog Couture Highlights, and here - Set List.

Any business needs customers to succeed.  Small businesses, however, must have customers to thrive and grow.

And so in this post Avon, as my small business, is calling once more.

In this post, I am calling a bit louder to strengthen my much needed growth.  Time is of the essence in a way I cannot describe.

One stop shop in my Avon eStore.

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