Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Friday, September 27, 2019

Friday Fave

In this edition of Friday Fave, the greatest interest in the most recent posts is Indian Summer.

As a brief recap of Indian Summer, I was on a countdown to the first day of the Autumn season.  I shared "Indian Summer" as performed by The Rippingtons on their Weekend in Monaco album.  I shared a fashion set as personally designed on the social styling platform, Fashmates - keeping the look light, airy, and formal with a hint of business casual in the burst of Indian Summer warmth.

The post will say the rest of it.  Follow the link above.

The first full week of Autumn is nearing its end and I would say the coziness of October is on its way, but welcome to Chicago where the forecast is predicted to be in the mid-80s through most of next week.

Apparently the heat is still on.

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