Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Girl Panic High Fashion - Saint Laurent Panic

I  do not have a college degree in anything fashion - merchandising, design, and so on.

I am not a bespoke stylist for men or wardrobe stylist for women.

I am not a luxury personal shopper.

I am, however, bent on creativity in fashion.  This is best reflected in my work on the social styling website - Fashmates.

In keeping with the Duran Duran premium theme, I created a luxury style set featuring the couture Saint Laurent brand.

Saint Laurent Panic

In this set, I let my imagination take over to wonder if a model - such as those in "Girl Panic" - would consider this style.  

When designing this set, I aimed for sexy, glam, over the top, and iconic.

Would this, then, be premium fashion worthy?

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