Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Monday, March 23, 2020

Set List Special Edition - In These Uncertain Times

The coronavirus has a profoundly firm global grip on all - from increasing mortality rates to consistent testing positive even when unsuspected to a rise in thousands of confirmed cases country by country.  No one is immune.  Worst case scenario is all that society sees and is being considered in health care.

Stay at home mandates with legal consequences if unnecessarily disobeyed.  Social distancing is a new concept.  The terms "coronavirus" and "COVID-19" are foreign to my laptop and come up as an error...random thought to share.

Economic devastation.  Unemployment at an all time high.

In these uncertain times, COVID-19 seems to win.  

In this post, I am sharing a mini set list of how I see COVID-19 -

Eddie Van Halen

"Land of Confusion"

"Dark Road"
Sarah Jarosz

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