Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Set List Review - Yours by Brent McCollough

Brent McCollough is well known for the now viral "Stayin' Inside" parody take on the iconic "Stayin' Alive" by the Bee Gees.

Brent, however, is an established musician beyond the clever message to stay home, save lives.

In this Set List special, I am spotlighting Brent's single, "Yours," set for release on April 17th.

"Yours" is a beautiful story of romance in an understated tone.  The piano introduction offers a gentle note to a budding tale of love in lyrics.  An accompanying orchestral seamlessly accents the meaning of "Yours."

Love songs are essentially sentimental and with special meaning behind lyrics unique to individual musicians.

"...take a risk to reap the reward..."

" I know what it feels like to be yours..."

The lyrics quoted here are profoundly heartfelt and distinctly innocent, leaving the listener to know that he or she is in the musical presence of love and content happiness.

In conclusion, I was deeply moved by "Yours" and truly see success upon its release.  

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