Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Thursday, May 28, 2020

History Lesson - Pawn Stars Guitar

In this edition of History Lesson - Pawn Stars Guitar, I am sharing Phil Collen's Jackson guitar.

Tune in to the video below -

Who is Phil Collen?
Phil Collen is an English musician and co=lead guitarist for Def Leppard.  He is self-taught.  His first guitar was a Gibson SG.

Career before Def Leppard -
Girl - Landed Collen's first record contract  
Personally invited to join Def Leppard by Joe Elliott and Steve Clark
(Initial pass)

Point of intrigue -
The original guitarist for Def Leppard, Pete Willis, was fired for alcohol-related problems.  Steve Clark died from alcohol poisoning in 1991.  Phil Collen was able to quit his alcohol addiction.

Solos for Pyromania -
"Rock of Ages"
"Rock Till You Drop"

"...just have fun on it, play some solos on it..." - Mutt Lange, Def Leppard producer

Point of interest -
Collen considered leaving the band after Clark's passing.

In 1989, Collen used the Jackson Guitars brand.  In his words, "they looked cool."

As for Def Leppard fans, Phil Collen fans, and Jackson Guitars enthusiasts, enjoy the video above.

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