Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Sunday, September 20, 2020


Inspired is about anything music that holds personal meaning to the listener, especially for emotional reasons that inspire positive hope and outlook.

In this edition of Inspired, my inspiration is "Lonely in Your Nightmare" by Duran Duran.

Background -

"Lonely in Your Nightmare" is the third track on side one of both the UK original LP and U.S. original LP.  "Lonely in Your Nightmare" is also the third track on the CD album version...

...All, of course, referencing the album, Rio.

"Lonely in Your Nightmare" is an inspired song to me for mental health reasons.  In 2003, I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder.  I was 20 years old and chose not to believe my brain's true illness.  I refused to take my medications.  I was hospitalized four times in three months.  I lost friendships.  My family chose not to believe and so distanced themselves from me as "the freak" in the family.

When I discovered Duran Duran, Astronaut was first in my album collection.  This was followed by Rio.  I was still coping with my Bipolar diagnosis and "Lonely in Your Nightmare" helped me get through.  

"Because you're lonely in your nightmare let me in"

Mental illness will always be stigmatized and shunned.  As I grow stronger, I have one request - just ask...any questions that come to mind to better understand what I have to live with for life.

In the meantime, "Lonely in Your Nightmare" offers a sense of not being alone when I am depressed or manic.  Mental illness is a nightmare and stigma is lonely.  Put to lyrics and I feel comforted.

"Lonely in Your Nightmare" - Inspired

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