Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Day 4 : Set List Sunday - Reader's Favorite

In this launch edition of Set List Sunday - Reader's Favorite, I am honored to say that your top choice is - 

American History Through Song - United States Presidential Anthem

In this post, I thought I would briefly explain the history of the United States Presidential Anthem or better known as Hail to the Chief.

"Hail to the Chief" is played at public events, inauguration ceremonies, and official occasions where the United States Marine Band performs.  "Hail to the Chief" is also performed at Presidential state funerals.

Background -

The original version was based on the 1810 poem, The Lady of the Lake, as written by Sir Walter Scott.  Songwriter James Sanderson adapted the verses to music in 1812.

In 1815, "Hail to the Chief" was officially linked to the President when honoring George Washington and the end of the War of 1812.  Andrew Jackson was the first president to be honored by the song in 1829.  In 1837, "Hail to the Chief" was performed at Martin Van Buren's inauguration.

"In 1954, the Department of Defense made it the official tribute to the President."


Follow the American History Through Song link above as a refresher to the honorable announce of the President of the United States.

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