Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Day 74 - Set List Reader's Choice

In this edition of Set List Reader's Choice, your top pick is -

March 2021 Set List

At the end of every month for so many years on Set List, I create a mini set list.  The process is actually a difficult challenge because each song has to be a reflection of the month and season.  The order of each set list also has to offer a natural flow, including what a break song would be.  Although some months are easier, the challenge is still very real.  A challenge yes, but a fun challenge.

With that said, I am challenging you - the reader or passerby - to create your own 10 song set list.  Your choice does not have to based on month or season, just what comes to you.

In the Comments section at the end of this post, fill out 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.  I encourage you to have fun and be creative.  

As always,

Play it!

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