Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Monday, June 14, 2021

RIAA Certification - Platinum

A few years ago, I wrote about the levels of certification based on RIAA requisite.  In the post, RIAA Certification - Gold, I noted necessary sales to qualify for Gold status - for both singles and albums.  As of 2004, digital sales (such as iTunes) are included in certification.  Follow the link above for additional categories worth considering for certification.

In this edition of RIAA Certification, I am highlighting necessary sales to qualify for Platinum status - for both singles and albums.

Side note - RIAA stands for Recording Industry Association of America.

Point of intrigue - Record labels have to request certification.

In 1976, Platinum certification was added based on increased number of sales.

Platinum certification requisite - 1,000,000 units

As of 2016, certification also includes -
- One digital or physical album sold or shipped
- 10 tracks from an album downloaded
- 1,500 on-demand audio or video streams of songs from an album

Point of interest - Elvis Presley holds the most Gold and Platinum records (57 for Platinum).

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