Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Monday, September 27, 2021

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame - Class of 1987 No. 9

Ricky (Rick) Nelson

Inducted by John Fogerty


If Ricky Nelson's bio as written on Wikipedia was a resume, his would be intriguing.

Ricky Nelson (later changed to Rick Nelson) was the son of Ozzie and Harriet Nelson.  The Nelson family held a successful career in radio and on television - The Adventures of Ozzie & Harriet.  Ricky continued in his own success as a singer, "pop pioneer," actor, and "teen idol."

As an actor beyond his time with his parents' programs, he was a feature in the 1959 film, Rio Bravo, that starred John Wayne, Dean Martin, and Angie Dickinson.

In music -
No. 1 album - Ricky (1957)
No. 1 single - "Poor Little Fool" (1958)

Brief comeback success as a musician -
Stone Canyon Band formed in 1969
Live album success - In Concert at the Troubadour,1969
"Garden Party" (1972) - No. 6 on Billboard Hot 100

Honors -
Golden Globe nomination for "Most Promising Male Newcomer" (1959)

Ozzie and Harriet Nelson were on radio air and television screening at roughly the same time as Jack Benny with his wife and co-stars.  Although Ricky held decent success on his own in music and film, I personally will best associate him with his name as a Nelson.

With that said,

His musical stardom may have been brief but induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame will last forever.

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