Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Friday, October 29, 2021

Friday Music Library - Red Carpet Massacre

Friday Music Library features musicians with a long collection in my iTunes library.

In this final edition of Friday Music Library with a Duran Duran theme, I am concluding with Red Carpet Massacre and two songs from the album, "The Valley" and "Falling Down."

Red Carpet Massacre was released in November 2007.  "Falling Down" was the only song to be released.

RCM debuted at No. 44 on the UK Albums Chart and No. 36 on Billboard 200.

Point of intrigue - In the UK, Red Carpet Massacre was second in line to the band's lowest debuting album (after Pop Trash in 2000).

The Red Carpet Massacre tour holds special meaning to me because their stop in Chicago was my first concert in May 2008.

Below are two personal favorites from the album.

Brief side note - The official music video for "Falling Down" was filmed in the notoriously haunted Linda Vista hospital in the rather sketchy part of Los Angeles, California.  Linda Vista is now residential.

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