Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Set List Journal - Entry No. 4

Twelve years ago, Set List was in its infancy.  I was exploring the full concept of blogging.  For some time, I wrote detailed article style posts.  I loved what I was doing - writing as my first love.  When I discovered the possibility of YouTube videos, I went for it.  Blogger had so much to offer, such as personally customized templates, unique apps, and so much more.  Blogger still has plenty to consider.  As a music blogger, there is so much I can consider when posting.  As a fan of so many musicians and bands, I am inspired.

For example -

In 2010, I made my mom a CD with ten of her most favorite songs.  Somehow I knew what I was doing, except for down time between each song.  So when you listen to an album or music online, there is generally very little time between each ending song and upcoming song.  When I came to the end of each song, the delay somehow lasted three seconds.  In the music industry, that is painfully long and a deal breaker for listeners.  Nonetheless, my novice homemade album needed a title.  I kept going back to the three second delay.  Three seconds.  That is too darn long.  Three seconds too long...

...became the official title of the CD I made for my mom.

I also wrote a short book highlighting my best posts in 2010 with Three Seconds Too Long as the title.  I sold one copy.

Every once in a while I wonder if Three Seconds Too Long would be a good name for a record label.  Just a wonder.

And from there I shall conclude.

Signing off for the day.

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