Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Set List Journal Entry #15 - Reminisce Drum Lessons

When I was 15 years old, I visited my father for a few weeks during my summer break.  We agreed that staying at his home all day every day would not be good, so he enrolled me in a class to learn how to play the drums.  

The first day was so much fun.  I was the only student to maintain a beat and this impressed the teacher.  At the end of the lesson, we picked out wooden drum pads and drum sticks...

There was just one problem - my dad didn't live near the building the classroom was in and in fact we had to take the highway.  By the time he got home to pick me up and head out, rush hour hit and I missed my second class.  At that point, too much was missed to go back to a third lesson.

Sadly, I decided to walk away.

My cousin once offered to teach me but too there was a distance.

From time to time, I wonder how hard it could be to play the drums, especially for rock music.  I look to so many favorite drummers and they make playing seem so easy and natural.  Of course the drums, like any other instrument or even vocal, are an artform with requisite patience, daily practice, and playing just to play.

I missed my chance.  

On that note, I will conclude  Set List Journal Entry #15.

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