Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Set List Reader's Choice

In this week's edition of Set List Reader's Choice, your top favorite is:

John Taylor's Birthday Celebration

As a refresher, I continued John Taylor's birthday bash by sharing a bass tutorial about "Rio" by John.

In this post, I thought I would continue John's tutorial lessons with my favorite - "Planet Earth."

Side note - The Duran Duran wild boys never seem to age and yet they are all in their 60s and Simon is a grandfather.  Does music keep them young at heart?  Does touring keep them sharp and active?  Does Roger's dj skills keep him in a groove generally reserved for younger generations?

John's bass tutorials are intriguing and unique in explaining and breaking down iconic DD songs, such as the one below.

With that said, enjoy "Planet Earth" from John Taylor's perspective.

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