Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Set List Special Edition

Where Mondays are Guess the Album and Tuesdays are Answer to the Album, I accidentally answered what was meant for today on Monday - yesterday.  And so this Set List post is a special edition dating back years to a hit theme - commercial jingle.

The jingle offers a musical backdrop for the latest Instacart commercial.  Instacart is a grocery delivery service found online and is brought to you directly from a personal shopper.

The two line lyrics in the commercial jingle are "I like the way you work it.  I've got to bag it up."  Bag it up could be in reference to bagging the groceries.  I like the way you work it could be seen as the shopper excelling at his or her job.  Both references are speculative though and may miss the mark entirely.

The group is Blackstreet.  The song (to which I am too embarrassed to share) is suggestive of adult content.  Ironically, there is an emphasis on certain and sustained piano notes every few lyrics which adds interest to the chorus.

Blackstreet is an American group in the R&B genre.  Based on the song, I would guess more like rap.

In the long ago past, I enjoyed not only writing about a given commercial jingle but also sharing the song's YouTube video.  The official video in this case is not appropriate for the family friendly nature of Set List.  

With all said, I am intrigued by the two line lyrics for the beat and groove to dance.  Outside of that, I would pass on the Blackstreet song.

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