Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Monday, September 19, 2022

Set List Special - Rest In Peace, Elizabeth II

April 21, 1926 - September 8, 2022

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II - February 2, 1952 to September 2022
In summary - Wikipedia

Silver Jubilee - 1977 (25 year anniversary)
BRIT Awards -
The Beatles Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Album)
Julie Covington (Breakthrough act)
The Beatles (Group)
(and others)

Ruby Jubilee - 1992 (40 year anniversary)
BRIT Awards - 
Seal Seal (Album)
Beverly Craven (Newcomer)
Simply Red (Group)
(and others)

*Point of interest - Freddie Mercury won Outstanding Contribution at the 1992 BRIT Awards.  "Bohemian Rhapsody" won Best Single in 1977.  ("A Whiter Shade of Pale" by Procol Harum was a joint winner.)

Golden Jubilee - 2002 (50 year anniversary)
BRIT Awards -
Dido No Angel (Album) 
Blue (Newcomer)
Travis (Group)
Sting - Outstanding Contribution
(and others)

Diamond Jubilee - 2012 (60 year anniversary)
BRIT Awards -
Adele 21 (Album)
Ed Sheeran (Newcomer)
Coldplay (Gr0up)
Blur - Outstanding Contribution
(and others)

Platinum Jubilee - 2022 (70 year anniversary)
Duran Duran - Headline

Note - All BRIT Awards/Jubilee year can be found on Wikipedia under the query "(Year) in British Music".

Elizabeth II reigned over so many territories worldwide including close to home.  She was in royal terms a monarch.  Yet within her family, titles were common to anyone - daughter, sister, wife, mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, great-grandmother.

I am one year younger than William and one year older than Harry, so I would be inclined to see their grandmother as my grandmother.

When my grandmother passed away last September, I was devastated and heartbroken because she was my best friend, the love of my life, and my soulmate.  I felt lost and could not function mentally and emotionally.

I cannot imagine how William and Harry feel when their Granny - who happened to be the Queen of England - passed away.  I am so sad for them.  I am sad for their children who will never really know their great-grandmother.

The legacy of Her Majesty Elizabeth II will live forever.

Rest in peace.

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