Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

The One - Set List

 The One

My Park Lane

The One

In April 2010, I launched my first blog.  I do not remember the title but I do remember how much fun I had.  It was a general blog, no niche and no direction.  I suppose you could say a journal style but without personal notes.  From day to day I realized the addiction to blogging.

In May 3010, I wanted to clarity and focus on a niche specific level, so I reached out to a professional web design company.  I do not remember their name but I do know they claimed my requests were not stated and so said I pay them more or not at all.  I highlighted in yellow what I wanted and they falsely disagreed - in other words, they knew they were wrong but would not admit so.  I claimed back the money spent and branched out on my own...which leads to Set List.

In 2010, I got to personally customize Set List - no template, no specifics I had to follow...just Set List - exactly all I wanted.

From the first post published on Set List to the present day, my heart was with blogging and Set List was the one.

Whether article style, video style, or affiliate style, Set List is about anything music.  No two posts are the same - even if there is a day to day theme.  Every day has a different tone of voice.  Every day has individual eagerness to post.  If I find myself in a blogger's block, I look for inspiration from previous posts or outside sources.

The Set List journey from launch post forward is long and winding.  From time to time I feel exhausted yet I keep going if only for my passion about music and sharing my interests.

Set List is the one.

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