Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Monday, January 2, 2023

Recording Industry Association of Japan Certification

The RIAA, or Recording Industry Association of America, is the ultimate standard in the western hemisphere for certification in both album and single sales achieving gold, platinum, multi-platinum, and diamond.

Across the pond is BPI, or British Phonographic Industry.  BPI honors gold, silver, and platinum certification.  Platinum is the highest achievable and equivalent success to diamond.

And then there is the eastern hemisphere - specifically Japan and their considered RIAJ, or Recording Industry Association of Japan.  RIAJ is the Asian equivalent of RIAA.

So let's talk about the history of RIAJ.

RIAJ was founded in 1942 under the name Japan Phonogram Record Cultural Association.  The current name came about in 1969.  The base is in Minato, Tokyo.

Like so many other associations, RIAJ focuses on the promotion of music sales, copyright law, and Japanese music industry research.

Album certifications are gold and platinum.  Singles certification are gold.

Other certifications include multi-platinum, million, and multi-million.  Million and multi-million are the highest possible to reach, just like diamond in the U.S.

Gold status is 100,000 in sales.  

Platinum status is 250, 000 in sales.

2x Platinum status is 500,000 in sales.

3x Platinum status is 750,000 in sales.

Million status is 1,000,000 in sales.

Multi-Million status is 2,500,000+ in sales.

Digital certifications are also taken into account.  Status included Gold, Platinum, 2x Platinum, 3x Platinum, and Million.

Finally, streaming is taken into account but has separate status levels.  Silver status is 30,000,000.  Gold status is 50,000,000.  Platinum status is 100,000,000.  Diamond status is 500,000,000.

(Source - Wikipedia)

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