Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Set List Special - Music in 1929

On January 5, 1929, my grandmother was brought into the world with excited parents and a curious older brother.  Her name is Elvira Estelle.  She could not stand her first name so she preferred Estelle.  Her brother, who is only four years older than her, had trouble saying Estelle and kept pronouncing it Dell...and it took.  Her friends, family, and even as a wife, she is Dell.

On September 14, 2021, I lost my grandma and soulmate to natural causes.  She passed away alone in a nursing home.  I did not get to say "I love you" and "goodbye."

I can still hear her voice, see her beautiful blue eyes, spiritually hold her hands (where she would always say "that's my kid"), and recall the many times her dry humor made me laugh all the way to now.

Set List is all about music.  In 1929, the number one hit was "Makin' Whoopee" by Eddie Cantor.

Happy Birthday, Grandma.  I hope you enjoy the number one song for a timeless you.

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