Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Monday, April 17, 2023

Astronaut2005 Drummer v. What Happens Tomorrow

"What Happens Tomorrow" gave musical hope to life after tragedy and believing that the world has to be a better place and especially when what happens tomorrow.

New Yorkers stood still in the moment.  Firefighters rushed, to some, their ultimate demise trying to save through fire, climbing goodness knows how many flights, and knowing this is it - the towers are collapsing on them.  They tried to save.

Swift military action went into place when the Middle East seemed to be the obvious culprit.

From 2001 to decades later, global society has to believe that something better will come along so that we can all know what happens tomorrow.

Sadly, Russia's attacks on Ukraine isn't exactly helping the peace cause.

In this edition of Astronaut2005 Drummer, I am curious to know who is best with "What Happens Tomorrow" - the drum cover or Roger Taylor.

What happens tomorrow will always have to be better than today.


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