Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Set List Special

On April 8, 1925, Janet Thompson was delivered to what would be a very long life.  She was the last of three, with an older sister and older brother.  She was privileged but loved more than money.  She loved art and culture.  She was immersed in high society.  One of her closest friends was the one and only Hubert de Givenchy.  She spent many vacations with him at his estate in France.  He found her always as his love despite being gay.

I was her first grandchild, first of only two.  I was her love duck.  We did not always see eye to eye but I truly loved her and the only way she knew how to be a grandmother.

On November 9, 2021, Janet Hovis passed away.  She was delivered to Heaven.

Grammy would be 98 years old today.  

In this Set List special, I am dedicating music that best defined her year.

Happy Birthday, Grammy.  May your day be filled with love, laughs, and content happiness.


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