Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Official Videos Reader Poll

The official music video for "Girl Panic!" was set in the most opulent of London locations.  For a band at their strongest time and unaware of their eventual RRHOF induction, luxury is natural.  Supermodel portrayals of each member was unique and intriguing in terms of who would best act as who.  

The official extended music video for "Falling Down" was set in the most unfortunate of locations - Linda Vista Hospital - known for intense paranormal activity and being in a sketchy part of Los Angeles, California.  The paradox, then, is having women with model bodies being admitted for whatever reasons.

My reader poll to you is -

Are the models in both videos a desired justification of what women should look like or are they an unrealistic vision of women?

Consider the point - thin if not entirely skinny v. society inclusive.

Which do you choose to believe?

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