Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Reality - Sunday Bloody Sunday

In this concluding reality, "Sunday Bloody Sunday" is not only a powerful political protest song but is also a staple by its musical ownership - U2.

Bloody Sunday came about when in 1972, unarmed Irish civil rights protestors were fatally shot by British troops.

This incident led to U2's reaction via their 1983 album, War.

"Sunday Bloody Sunday" was listed at No. 268 on Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time in 2004.  (Wikipedia)

In the United States, from small town to metropolis, police tend to shoot at will regardless of potential threat or not.  When an officer discharges their gun, they have to report the use to show justification.  In today's reality, if the victim is of color, their justice will not be owed to their grieving family because from case to case the police do not always receive guilt.  When a defendant is found guilty though, the heartache of a family's new reality never fully heals.  

In this country, Sunday Bloody Sunday is not limited to Sunday.  We went through a civil war long ago.  Do we really need another one?

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