Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Reality - The Way It Is

Life is not a golden guarantee, with silver spoons and more than comfortable finances.  The top 1% is untouchable elite.  The reality of the majority is not luxurious.  Hard work, dedication, overtime, flexible schedule, and repeat Mondays thr9ugh Fridays.  

The upper middle class is an aspiration to the middle.  The employed is a hope for the unemployed.  Food stamps, Medicaid, and anywhere that has a roof defines lesser than in society. 

In Chicago, there are dedicated locations to homeless tents.  Care is offered in the brutal seasons of summer and winter.  Otherwise...

... This is reality in America...the way it is.

"The Way It Is," in musical form, better explains the point I am getting across, especially at a historical level.

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