Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Friday, July 28, 2023

Weekly's Best

In this edition of Weekly's Best, your top favorite is:

Honoring Tony Bennett

In the post link above, I mentioned three Guinness World Records set by Tony Bennett.  In more detail -

1.  Guinness World Record - "oldest person to reach No. 1 on the U.S. Album Chart with a newly recorded album" (88 years, Cheek to Cheek, 2014)

2.  Guinness World Record - "the longest time between the release of an original recording and a re-recording of the same single by the same artist" ("Fascinating Rhythm" - 68 years and 342 days after original)

3.  Guinness World Record - "the oldest person to release an album of new material at the age of 95"

(Second oldest person to win a Grammy - shared Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album with Lady Gaga...Love for Sale...2022)


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