Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Set List Memories - 2010 Inspired by Duran Duran

When I launched Set List in 2010, I vowed for a musical melting pot of genres, artists, and mediums.  My first post was dedicated to an ideal Duran Duran set list.  In that post, I also indicated the band's immense influence on my creative ambition with the blog.  As one for nostalgia, I thought I would revisit the early days with an updated twist.

In 2010, I was a contributor to two content mills - Associated Content and Helium.  Both have since shut down and to my recollection, Helium is now professional based.  At the time though, I was able to refine my writing skills and earn a brief income as a bonus.  I began with Associated Content and the first topic I chose to write about was Top 10 Favorite Songs by -----.  I of course chose Duran Duran from their roots to the present.

To the present now though, I imagine that list has changed.  So in this post, let's reconsider what a fan's set list would be for the one and only Duran Duran.

1.  Reach Up For the Sunrise 
2.  Pressure Off
3.  Is There Something I Should Know?
4.  The Valley
5.  Planet Earth
6.  Save a Prayer
7.  Ordinary World
8.  Anniversary
9.  Girls On Film
10.  Rio 

If I were to add another ten songs, the list would go farther than that and as Nick Rhodes once noted of a concert set list under last minute review, "...can't get any longer..."

Of course, fans might be okay with a longer set.

In conclusion,
As I look back on many a year ago, I relive fond memories of a time meant dearly to me - because of Duran Duran, because of Associated Content, and because of a concept called blogging.

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