Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Tuesday, September 19, 2023


As October nears, the magic of the Fall season colors the landscape, frosts the lingering grass, the aroma of wood burning fireplaces warms the crisp air, and the love of cozy wear finally returns.

As October nears, so too does the spark of a magical month capped with, of course, Halloween.  Spooky best defines a month always filled with curious fear...

The characters were not fearful but were impressively magical with nearly spooky capabilities.  (The antagonist was evil though.)

In this post, I am sharing hints - hints of Harry Potter music and hints of Harry Potter fashion.  October is near.

Go Gryffindor
(Affiliate disclaimer applies)

(Pura Vida)
Original Gryffindor Charm Bracelet 
Gryffindor 3 Ring Stack 
Use code LAURENHOVIS20 for 20% OFF.

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