Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Monday, October 16, 2023

31 Days of October - Witch's Cackle

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October 16, 2023

Get cozy in bed.  Dim the lights.  Create an atmosphere to enjoy a spooky story.

On one grey, drizzly Saturday afternoon in September 2008, my mother had to go to her office to catch up on some projects.  I went with her to work on my school projects and keep her company.

We were thoroughly involved in our work when all of a sudden we heard what could only be described as a witch's laugh.

"Um" was all we could muster.

"Did you hear that?"


"Should we leave?"


Yet she stood her ground, finished her work, and I finished mine.

At one point, I had to use the bathroom in the office suite.  As I was washing my hands, I heard loud scratching on the door.  I laughed it off as my mom just messing with me.  When I opened the door...She was in her office and back on the computer.  I had a paranormal moment.

We agreed to hurry up and get the heck out...and be glad that at least we were in the month of September.

Every year around Thanksgiving, The Wizard of Oz airs on the cable network, TBS.  From book to film and iconic casting, The Wizard of Oz is a cinematic classic.  The movie is likewise a landmark for technicolor - being the first motion picture to transition from black and white to vivid color that would allow for better appreciation of wardrobe, backdrop, and perhaps character interaction.  The yellow brick road, the Emerald City, and of course the ruby slippers.

And then there was the wicked witch of the west.  (Fun fact - Margaret Hamilton, who played the wicked witch of the west, initially auditioned for the role of the good witch of the north which ultimately went to actress, Billie Burke.)

Do you remember the scene where the wicked witch throws smoke into the air spelling out "Surrender Dorothy"?  Yes?  Okay, well here's something rich -

Do you remember many years ago in a humorous advertising reminder of the movie soon to air where she threw smoke into the air spelling out "Witches be crazy"?  I laughed so hard.  The phrase gets to me to this day.

So.  For the sake of Set List as a music blog, below is the full film score -

And to find modern day humor in a 1939 classic, consider "Witches Be Crazy" in fashion.  (Click through the image for pricing, colors, and sizes.)

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