Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

November Freeform

As the November Wednesday Freeform theme continues on Set List, I thought I would share my favorite television series, specifically opening lyrics.  A tough call because there are so many to choose from in my mind's recall.

When I was a child, as early as 10 years old, one of my favorite television shows was Three's Company.  I adored John Ritter and his comedic timing.  In fact, one of his inspirations was Lucille Ball - the queen of comedy.  (Note - Jack Benny was considered the king of comedy.)  John's  character's (Jack Tripper) kindness toward Joyce DeWitt's (Janet Wood) character was special and sincere.  They were meant to be close friends on and off set. Suzanne Somers' role (Chrissy Snow) fit into typical blonde, gorgeous, and expected to be not quite intellectual.   

The early years in the series were my most favorite because everyone was settling into their characters, interacting, and finding the best chemistry.  Each actor contributed to the tone of the series in their own way...

...So on Set List, the opening credits set the stage for what would become an iconic program enjoyed to this day.

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