Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Set List Sunday Favorite

Every Friday on Set List is devoted to your favorite post from throughout the week.  On Sundays though I am noting my personal favorite from throughout the week - my opportunity to share a Set List Sunday favorite.

With that said, my personal favorite from throughout this week is:

Fashmuse Saturday

From burgeoning demands for gender equality in the 1800s United States to the suffrage movement in the 1900s U.S. to supporting the World War II Allies through factory work in the United States to further women's rights rallies in the 21st Century, the fight continues to shatter the glass ceiling especially financially and socially.

We can vote.  We can serve in the military.  We can be entrepreneurs.  We can rise in the corporate world.  We can, more than anything, be bread winners for our families and equal minded with our partners.  We can be bread winners for ourselves.

And so the new collections on Cents of Style and Pura Vida and the bold declaration in Shania Twain's song proves proud womanhood - let's go girls...feel like a woman...conquer the outdoors our way.

Madonna's iconic song, "Vogue," empowered women in the 1980s and beyond.

And so to conclude this entry, vogue on Set List.

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