Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Friday, November 10, 2023

Weekly's Best

In this edition of Weekly's Best, your top favorite is:

Arts & Entertainment Cover

As a refresher, I found a video on YouTube airing golden era Hollywood stars dancing seamlessly to "Uptown Funk."  Whether black and white or technicolor, the motion matches every lyric and every beat as though the song was played in the moment, in that era.

With that said, do you remember a long time ago on Set List an advertisement with Kia hamsters grooving to "Fort Knox"?  The commercial went viral throughout the country and "Fort Knox" was a must to search and download.

Fast forward so many years and a relatively similar theme to before includes cats in human form dancing to disco music and showing off with the product being cat litter.  The music in the commercial reminded of "Stayin' Alive" by the Bee Gees.  

On this Friday, I thought I would cap off the work week with a disco groove.

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