Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Set List Special Edition

Robert "Bob" Flosi

April 9, 1921 - January 19, 1977

In Memory

E. Estelle Zander Flosi was my treasured grandma.  She was my life and her passing on September 14, 2021 will never sit well with my mental state.  I will grieve forever. 

Grandma was Bob Flosi's wife of many years.  Unbeknownst to each other, both were born and raised in Illinois.  Unbeknownst to each other, both moved to California.  What they did know is the day they met, their courtship, their wedding, and their marriage with want of starting a family.  

Grandma miscarried six times but they still wanted a family.  Along came Laura Flosi at birth and Lisa Flosi at birth.

Bob was to Grandma as Grandpa was to me.  He was my spiritual life and I loved him very much through shared stories.  

Grandpa passed away from bone cancer and was surrounded by family.  They knew his time was coming and that his suffering would soon end.

From Heaven, he knows about me - visiting my mom when I was two months old to meet his first grandchild, visiting me through the scent of cigars, and recently visiting me through the scent of cigarettes.  I remember telling Grandma and Mom that he was in my bedroom to say hi.

As with previous memorials on Set List, a top musician in the year of Grandpa's birth is highlighted.

In 1921 -

Paul Whiteman
March 28, 1890 - December 29, 1967

Number 1 Musician in 1921

Bandleader, composer, orchestral director, violinist

"King of Jazz" - Confirmed by the one and only Duke Ellington

Of his many hits, two songs Paul Whiteman is well known for are "Wang Wang Blues" and "Rhapsody in Blue" (further associated with George Gershwin).

Honors -
(1927) "Rhapsody in Blue" inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame (1974)

Inducted into the Big Band and Jazz Hall of Fame in 1993

(1920) "Whispering" inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame (1998)

Rhapsody In Blue listed in the National Recording Registry (2003)
"Whispering" listed in the National Recording Registry (2020)

(1928) Ol' Man River inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame (2006)

Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for Recording (Hollywood Blvd)
Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for Radio (Vine Street)

Inducted into the Colorado Music Hall of Fame (2016)

Rhapsody In Blue
Transends pop culture over the decades
Transends music genres over the decades
Transends audience interest over the decades
A classic in every way - 20th to 21st Centuries

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