Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Saturday, May 25, 2024

In Honor of Alan Rickman

When you think of Set List, anything music comes to mind - from solo artists to duos to original bands that separate and reunite to concerts to recording studios...

...But you don't think of novels or films.  You may, though, consider the soundtrack as composed by John Williams.

As for the Harry Potter series, the majority focus is on Daniel, Emma, and Rupert.  In this entry, I am honoring Alan Rickman in an iconic role...

...That is not necessarily related to Harry Potter.

Alan Sidney Patrick Rickman
February 21, 1946 - January 14, 2016

Studied at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art
Member of the Royal Shakespeare Company

Performances in modern and classical theater productions

Tony Award nomination
Primetime Emmy Award
Golden Globe Award
Screen Actors Guild Award

" of the best actors never to have received an Academy Award nomination..." - The Guardian (2009)

Film debut - German terrorist Hans Gruber in Die Hard (1986)

BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role
(Sheriff of Nottingham in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves)

Most notable character - Severus Snape
Harry Potter series

Directed films - 
The Winter Guest (1997) & A Little Chaos (2014)

Alan Rickman's early career to determination at the end is honorable and impressive.  His breadth of talent spans theater, film, and television.  His passion for the arts spanned decades.

Those before me and those to follow know him for a variety of roles.  I will forever know him as one of the most exquisite actors to grace the stage and camera ready.

Alan Rickman - Rest in peace

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