Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Set List. Journal.

Set List Journal
Set List Journal

"Set List" as part of the title is inspired by Set List as a blog.  Set List as a blog was inspired by Duran Duran, music of so many genres, formats, and now the inclusion of fashion and pop culture.  So "Set List" is a natural fit in the title.

"Journal" as part of the title is inspired by my personal love of journaling with release of emotions, dreams, goas, and relieving life stresses.  My choice of a journal is always specific based on cover alone.  

If you love music, the cover and snapshot image on the first and last pages will shine.  If you adore collecting journals - as I do very much - this is the one to not bypass.

Please support my journal under the name Set List inspired by the blog, Set List.

While I post endlessly, enjoy journaling endlessly.  There is just something about both.

Amazon - set list journal - look for the cover shown above - explore consider, buy?

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