Music, Fashion, Culture - Set List

Friday, March 22, 2019

At the end of the day

Welcome to the launch edition of At the end of the day! 

Lauren's Weekly Favorite features a personal favorite post from Monday to Thursday.

On Fridays - At the end of the day - I feature a select post from a themed series during the week.

In this launch edition, I am highlighting Stevie Wonder's "I Wish" YouTube video. 

There is just something about the lyrics to "I Wish" that I could continue with from Friday Fave.

Childhood is defined by enjoyed creativity - from toys to coloring books to using an active imagination.  Teen years are awkward because the body is going through so many changes and mental realizations.  Cliques define teen years, which can be difficult.  After high school graduation, young adults generally go to college or trade school or perhaps direct employment.  I don't necessarily count a person's 20s as full adulthood because when you are in your 20s, you are still finding your path in life and enjoying one last fling at being young.  By the age of 30, figure it out - whether it be an industry or a simple passion to pursue.

My childhood?  Typical.

My teen years?  Typical.

After high school graduation?  College and grad school.

My 20s?  In and out of the hospital for multiple mental illnesses.  I never got to enjoy my last fling at being young.

As of age 30, I figured it out - blogging and creative writing.

And so at the end of the day, Stevie Wonder sings it best -

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